Edit user information screen
This topic provides an overview of the Edit user information dialog box and all the settings and buttons on it. However if you require step-by-step procedures on managing your details refer to Changing your personal details.
The Edit user information dialog box is used to define your personal details, for example it allows you to change your name and password.
If you require information on managing your details refer to Changing your personal details.
This setting is mandatory. Edit your first name if required.
This setting is mandatory. Edit your last name if required.
Edit your agency or company if required. This information is then included in your IQ packets.
Enter your mobile phone number. Your phone number can be included in IQ packet reports, advanced analysis reports, or in x-case analysis results. If your administrator has set your OSS-ESPA account to use multi-factor authentication via SMS then this is the phone number that your passcode is sent to.
This button is only displayed if your administrator has set your OSS-ESPA account to use multi-factor authentication via SMS .
Click to open the Verify your phone number dialog box which allows OSS-ESPA to verify the phone number you entered belongs to you. An SMS message is sent to you with a passcode. Enter the passcode within five minutes and click Verify. Once verified , is displayed alongside your phone number.
If you do not have a verified phone number set up for your account then all passcodes are sent to your email.
Displays your email address and is read-only.
Displays the system email address associated to your Smart Track account. This is the email address you must give to operators when you request live locaiton monitoring data.
Before you can change your password you must first enter your current password.
If you require to change your password then enter your new password.
Enter the password again. When you click Save OSS-ESPA automatically checks for any discrepancies between this and the setting you entered in Change password.
Click to save any changes you have made.
Click to return to the Account settings screen. Note, if you have not clicked Save then any changes you made are not saved.